Gym vs Baking – To cheat or not to cheat ;)

22 Feb

So you could say I have an additive personality, I love the gym, I spend far to much of my time there, we have a special bond I treat it well and it repays me with an ass and abs. But I also love food, all types of food. Everything from a rack of rips to a basic salad to the most succulent Victoria sponge cake.

So i’ve hit a wall, do I continue this solid relationship with the gym and eat healthy or do I cheat, have a steamy affair with my love of baking. The urges I have for cake/chocolate/pancakes (you get the idea) aren’t just fleeting. The temptation doesn’t stop, you could say one slice just isn’t enough.

Low fat banana bread mmmmmm ;)

Todays delicious treat. Low fat banana bread mmmmmmmm 😉

For all those people out there that tell you if you exercise you can eat what you want. THEY ARE LYING! It really doesn’t work that way, well my body certainly doesn’t anyway.

So i’m asking for your opinion. Do you have an in-between?

Can you betray your solid stable relationship with the gym for the steamy love affair with them sweet treats?

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18 Apr

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